Original Wimbledon Pavilion gets a revamp
We have been appointed to refurbish and extend the First Wimbledon Tennis Championships Pavilion now part of the Wimbledon High School and The Girls’ Day School Trust in the Nursery Road site in Wimbledon. The Pavilion was first built in 1870 by the All England Croquet Club but from 1882 the activity of the club was almost exclusively dedicated to lawn tennis until the Championships moved to its current location at Wimbledon Park in 1921.
The project will involve the renovation and extension of the Pavilion to house teaching/meeting and improved changing room facilities for the school’s and guest teams’ sport activities. As part of the brief the school would also like to improve the visual impact of the building including the creation of a strong entrance to the Pavilion and the sports grounds. Although not a listed building, Haverstock and The Girls’ Day School Trust would like to preserve and highlight the rich history of the Pavilion through a carefully thought out intervention and the reintegration of some of the building’s original features.
To learn more about the project click here: http://haverstock.wpengine.com/projects/education/wimbledon-high-school-sports-pavilion-london
The All England Croquet Club in front of the original Pavilion, photograph courtesy of the Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Museum.