This has recently included two mayor pieces of work for the Department for Children Schools and Families. Building Bulletin 102: Designing for Special Educational Needs provides guidance on all aspects of design for disabled children on different learning settings. It has been developed over several years and has included extensive visits and analysis of existing special schools, the preparation of typical schedules of accommodation, guidance on pupil needs and the implication this has for design. The document was circulated for extensive consultation prior to find drafting and publication in 2009. The guidance has been instrumental in leading to a steep change in funding for special schools particularly in the Building Schools for the Future programme. A further project for the DCSF was undertaken to research Pupil Referral Units and develop guidance for an area much neglected in the past. This work was published in 2008 under the title Learning Environments for Pupil Referral Units.
The practice also undertakes its own research into subject areas that are relevant to our design work. This has included:
– Colour in the design of special schools.
– This was presented at an Architects Journal Conference.
– School typologies. This is now included in various school design guides.
– Day lighting in schools. This research has exposed many flaws and misunderstandings with regard to issues around daylight. The output is informing design solutions both with the practice and beyond.
– Victorian school design and its relevance to new pedagogies. This was presented at an Urban Design London Workshop.