Success at the 2021 Civic Trust Awards
Lea Fields Crematorium
2021 Civic Trust Award Winner, East Midlands
New-build crematorium providing a chapel for 100 people, along with remembrance court, incorporates the Book of Remembrance and flowers room.
“The design places an emphasis on elegance and harmonious simplicity, embodying an aesthetic solution that is bespoke and rarely experienced. A timeless piece of architecture.”
Judges Comments
Linden Farm Supported Living
2021 Civic Trust Selwyn Goldsmith Award Winner for Universal Design, South East
New-build supported living development of ten homes, providing an exemplar home environment for young adults with autism and high support needs.
“This development is a sensitive response to multifarious aspects of the project brief, initiated against the background of a chronic lack of high-quality residential provision for adults with special needs across the UK, particularly those with autism. It reflects the government’s Transforming Care Programme, launched in 2015 to help child and adult services to work together, ensuring adults with special needs can stay close to their families throughout their lives. As such this scheme should be an exemplar precedent nationwide of what can and should be done.”
Judges Comments
Tufnell Park Primary School
Civic Trust Award Regional Finalist, London
New build 3FE Primary School. The school is a fully modular building which now gives a rich visual presence through the refined used of materials and colours.
Bierton Crematorium
Civic Trust Award Regional Finalist, South East
New-build crematorium providing a chapel for 100 people, along with associated mourning facilities including a floral tribute and remembrance chapel.