A farewell to a founding partner
It is with deep regret that we announce the passing of Ian Fraser, a founder partner of Haverstock.
With John Jenkins, Russell Graham and Sylvester Bone, Ian established Haverstock in 1980 following the closure of The National Building Agency (NBA). The NBA was a quasi-government organisation (QANGO) set up to carry out research into all aspects of the design, construction and maintenance of public housing and to co-ordinate and monitor quality on large programmes of public sector construction and so it set about the Haverstock mission to build high quality public buildings, a mantra which remains at the forefront of our work today.
To those that new him well Ian was a strong family man, a proud Scotsman and an equally proud Arsenal fan. As a colleague he was generous and as well as being a talented architect himself, he was brilliant at encouraging and acknowledging the efforts of others. He and his wife Philippa were generous hosts at their self-build home on Murray Mews where you would always be welcomed warmly, fed and watered – all washed down with Ian’s love of telling tales of misadventures.
As we moved into the second generation of the studio, Ian’s unwavering support has continued to enable us to deliver meaningful architecture to those that need it the most. We will miss him dearly.
Claire, Tom and David
Photo description – photo of the Haverstock team in the 1980s on a summer trip to Cambridge. There are 14 people in the photo – Ian Fraser is the 2nd one in from the left.