Physical work has started on the Birnbeck Pier restoration project!
We are hugely proud to be working as North Somerset Council’s appointed architect practice to project manage and deliver elements of the restoration and conservation of this site of heritage
importance in Weston-super-Mare. Our work includes designing the landside buildings and 1888 boathouse.
Contractors are now working to protect public safety and the integrity of the land, buildings and structures. Elements of this work are necessary to allow later phases project to take place,
including restoring the pier itself.
This phase of work includes:
• removing asbestos
• repairing the sea walls
• stabilising the 1888 boathouse
• installing security fencing and provision of welfare facilities.
Work on the landside buildings is planned to start next spring to enable them to open to the public by the end of 2025.
The overall project has been made possible thanks to funding by the National Lottery Heritage Fund , the RNLI , the Ministry for Housing , Communities & Local Government , Historic England and thanks to support from local people including The Birnbeck Regeneration Trust
Read More about the project here:
North Somerset Council’s Website